The Cloud of Thoughts will be lifted and your Invisible Walls wil be broken to fast track your success!

When we were coming back to normal breath, I cried. I feel the total release of more negative feelings - which I didn't realize I had before.

I loved the session!  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Does any of this sound like you?

  • You do not know what to do with your life, which direction to go, or what dreams to pursue
  • You feel overwhelmed by all the information about how you should or shouldn't live your life
  • You keep repeating unhelpful, destructive patterns in your life that you can't seem to break

Start Releasing the Invisible Blocks Now

Imagine yourself going through this process


Turn off your overthinking mode & release the noise that cloud your clarity


Reconnect with your subconscious mind so you can access your primal state of being


Clearly see which direction to take and you can access and create your monthly vision from the infinite power source.

Out of this Powerful 60-Minute session...

You will climb out from the deep trunk of negative and defeating feelings to be excited, powerful, and energized to take the next action!

And more:

  • Heal Your haunting memories (without reliving it)
  • Unblock your Subconscious Blocks
  • Activate Creative Flow
  • Elevate Your Energy
  • Total Clarity on your Monthly Goal

Grab The Best Supportive Tool

and Fastrack your Success




Frequently Asked Questions

Where is it hosted? What if I can't join Live?

8 Replay Breathwork with Topics to Get out of Stuckness & move into Expansion immediately! 

Topics include: 

1. Inner child healing 

2. Faith restores 

3. Chakra Series: 

*Manifest Money Miracle (2nd Charka) 

 *Power of I am activation (3rd Chakra) 

 *Heart Clarity (Heart Chakra) 

 *Vision & Potential Activation! (Throat & 3rd Eye Chakra) 

Once purchased, how do I get started?

  • There will be an email sent out to confirm & instruct you for the next step
  • Experience Your Transformation!

What do I prepare for the sessions?

You don’t need any physical arrangement as the Session is hosted online in a private group setting! Besides you just need:

  • Right Mindset
  • Private Space (with a Blanket & A Pillow)
  • Willingness to Surrender & Let go of the Past!

Also, make sure you have read the instructions that we will share in the email after sign up!

How will the Sessions be conducted?

I will walk you through the Releasing- Connecting & Creating your Next Vision via this flow:

Part 1 (First 10’) : Debrief your Last Month & Release what’s no longer serve you

Part  2 (next 30’) : Active Breathwork & Get back to Primal state of Being.

Part  3 (Last 20’): Aligned Planning- Access your monthly vision & set Aligned Goals for the month

Who shouldn't join this Breathwork Session?

Please take note of the contraindications of breathwork. If you experience any of these, please consult your healthcare provider before you participate in this work. 

  • Pregnancy (strictly not for pregnant women)*
  • 1-month post-surgery**
  • Coronavirus or flu-like symptoms
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Angina
  • Heart attack
  • High blood pressure
  • Glaucoma
  • Retinal detachment
  • Osteoporosis
  • Recent injury or surgery
  • Any conditions for which you take regular medications
  • History of panic attacks, psychosis
  • Severe mental illnesses
  • Seizure disorders
  • Family history of aneurysms

By reading this & joining the session, you acknowledge that you have read this & fully take ownership of your decision to join the class!

I know the Universe brought me here.

Heyyy, Welcome to my miracle living world!

My Name is Maii Vu –  Host of Top #10 How-To Podcast In Various Countries & A Limitless Potential Coach!

In My World, there's only Quantum Leap and not Tiny Steps Forward! 

This is how I turned around the Coaching Business that barely made me a living in 2019, into a 140k+ Business In 2020- during the worldwide Pandemic & Lockdowns! 2020, I broke yet another Record & celebrate one of my first 6 Figure Quarter!


But not just with money, all areas of my life got upgraded!  I now live the life of True Freedom: Freedom of Time, Freedom to Choose & Create the Life Experience I desire.

I went on to help so many women globally get The Big Life Dreams that they thought they’d need 2-3 years to achieve, in just 3-6 months of working with me!

Heyyy, Welcome to my miracle living world!

My Name is Maii Vu –  Host of Top #10 How-To Podcast In Various Countries & A Limitless Potential Coach!

In My World, there's only Quantum Leap and not Tiny Steps Forward! 

This is how I turned around the Coaching Business that barely made me a living in 2019, into a 140k+ Business In 2020- during the worldwide Pandemic & Lockdowns! 2020, I broke yet another Record & celebrate one of my first 6 Figure Quarter!


But not just with money, all areas of my life got upgraded!  I now live the life of True Freedom: Freedom of Time, Freedom to Choose & Create the Life Experience I desire.

I went on to help so many women globally get The Big Life Dreams that they thought they’d need 2-3 years to achieve, in just 3-6 months of working with me!